What is the icanmakeitbetter platform?

icanmakeitbetter is an online customer insights platform that allows clients to gather feedback, innovate and conduct research amongst their customers. For more information on this tool, go to https://www.icanmakeitbetter.com/.

What is the relationship between the sponsor of this community and icanmakeitbetter?

McKee Foods has partnered with icanmakeitbetter to create the My Snack Spot community, located online at www.mysnackspot.icmib.com.

Do community members ever get incentives?

Yes, this community often offers incentives for time spent completing activities on the platform. Incentives are typically distributed as a pay-per-feedback basis – e.g., complete a survey, get a $5 gift card. If an incentive is offered for a given survey or focus group, the amount and method of distribution will be clearly stated in the invite email, or at the start of the survey. If no incentive is mentioned, then none is offered. NOTE: This community is about improving products and services for YOU. We want this to be interesting, interactive and rewarding. We also want to be fair and pay you for your valuable time. However, we do not want this to simply be a monetary transaction – that will create the wrong type of community that you won’t enjoy. So, the more you participate in paid and unpaid activities the better the community is and the more we can invite you to activities that will be of interest to you based upon your previous feedback. Thank you for making this community better!

PLEASE NOTE: Incentives are awarded manually, after reviewing the quality and validity of responses. This means that will typically be in your community account within two weeks of the day the survey/focus group closes. Incentives are NOT sent at the moment of survey completion. Thanks in advance for your patience.

Who is reading and listening to this feedback?

Feedback posted on My Snack Spot goes directly to the research sponsor. With the help of icanmakeitbetter, the community sponsor is truly listening to each and every idea, survey and focus group response!

Why should YOU participate?

Feedback on this platform will go directly to the community sponsor and help affect the future of the products and services they can offer the community. This is your chance to be heard and affect the future of the products and services available to you!

How do customers participate?

Qualified users simply go online to visit My Snack Spot, www.mysnackspot.icmib.com then click Sign In to create an account. Creating an account is easy. Simply enter a Username, Email Address and Password and you are part of the community! NOTE: Not everyone will qualify and not everyone will be invited to all activities or areas of the community.

Once users have created an account, they may post ideas, participate in surveys and join public and private discussions/focus groups. Simply, check out your “To Do” list on the community homepage to see what is available to you.

From time to time, our sponsor may invite specific users to participate in product development, innovation and research sessions based upon your community activity, survey responses and user profile information. These invites will come via email from mysnackspot@icanmakeitbetter.com and include a link directly to the specific activity. Typically, you will have about a week to participate in the activities you are invited to, though sometimes they may be available for shorter or longer periods of time.

You will not be able to see how others responded to activities. However, there will be some activities that allow members to see how others answered so stay tuned for those!

Are there any minimum requirements to maintain membership?

No, there are no minimum requirements and community membership is free! Please participate as much as you can. Any feedback you provide is valuable to us and the more you participate, the more opportunities you will have to learn from others and Us. You will also get the chance to participate in activities where you can earn incentives!

What kinds of activities should I expect?

There are a wide variety of activities you may be asked to participate in. These will be anything from surveys, quick-polls, ideation sessions, live chats, journals and other interesting activities which will gather your feedback and opinions on products, communications and services. Also, stay on the lookout for the weekly engagement activity which will cover topics such as communication and marketing material, new product design, and services and Us news.

How do I chat with other community members?

Stay connected with other community members by participating in the ideation sessions which are conveniently located on the community homepage. The topics of these sessions change from time to time, but by joining the current sessions you can check out what others are talking about, post your comments, ideas and even vote on what others have to say.

How do I post to an idea session?

To join the conversation, simply follow these steps:

1. Enter in your idea into the idea session search field and click go. You will be shown a list of ideas that match your search terms.

2. If you want to move ahead with creating a new idea, then click Create new idea.

3. You will then be able to edit your idea name, add in an idea description, select a category (if this option is available) and insert desired tags.

4. Once your idea form has been completed, then click Create idea.

• Besides adding an idea, you can also contribute to an ideation session by commenting on, voting for or following ideas. There is no limit to the number of ideas you can vote or comment on.

• You will be alerted to any ideas that you contribute to (create, comment, vote or follow) that have any change (new comment, vote or status change) over the past week. Alerts go out every Monday morning.

Who can see my profile information?

Only the Snack Spot Team can view the content included in your Profile. Other community members only see your username and avatar picture.

Who owns the Intellectual Property?

icanmakeitbetter assigns all IP to the community sponsor, the “business user.” Everyone who joins the community must agree to the community Terms & Conditions with a manual opt-in. They can be referenced here: https://www.icanmakeitbetter.com/terms-and-conditions.

How do I request help or get support?

If you have any questions about the community or need assistance with anything, you can contact mysnackspot@icanmakeitbetter.com at any time. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help or with any questions. That is what we are here for!

Community Do’s & Don’ts


• DO interact with other community members whenever possible

• DO share your honest feedback and opinions

• DO keep an eye out for activity invites from mysnackspot@icanmakeitbetter.com

• DO check your To Do list on the community homepage to see what activities are available to you

• DO login once every week to check out what’s new on the homepage, what activities are happening and what other members are saying

• DO contact mysnackspot@icanmakeitbetter.com with any questions


• DON’T miss activity closing dates to make sure you get your feedback in on time

• DON’T leave your survey or activity incomplete

• DON’T share your activity invites with anyone else, as they are specific to you only

• DON’T forget to complete your profile and keep it up to date as your information changes – this is essential to making sure you are invited to activities most appropriate to you